Starter Feeds
Ignite™ Pre-Starter
Are you weaning your pigs less than 18 days of age and needing a boost to get the off and running to the show ring? Ignite™ Pre-Starter is the feed that will ignite their feed intake and get them growing!
Ignite™ Pre-Starter
Protein: 21.31%
Lysine: 1.55%
Fat: 6.60%
Ignite™ Starter 1
Once your pigs are off to the start on Ignite™ Pre-Start it’s time to transition to Ignite™ Starter 1. This feed is designed as the sole ration for pigs weaning at 21 days. It will keep your pigs going in the right direction on their way to the show ring!
Ignite™ Starter 1
Protein: 20.74%
Lysine: 1.50%
Fat: 5.80%

Ignite™ Starter 2
Now you’re ready for the final touch to get your pigs in tip top shape for sale or keeper projects! Ignite™ Starter 2 ignites your baby’s muscle shape with a full belly appearance. Designed to grow pigs into power and keep them built right!
Ignite™ Starter 2
Protein: 20.54%
Lysine: 1.50%
Fat: 5.70%